Japanese Recipes

cooking class

all about ramen

it's so nice to see you

Welcome to Gohan.London by Akemi Yokoyama.


'Gohan' means rice (our staple diet in Japan), but it also refers to food:  breakfast, lunch and dinner.  So we'll say 'have you had ‘gohan?' or 'let's go out for ‘gohan' between our friends and families. 


I am a Japanese chef and cookery teacher specialised in authentic Japanese cooking using the best possible ingredients. I would LOVE to share my passion for making delicious and healthy Japanese dishes and for truly aesthetic presentation; as well as to share my knowledge and experience of traditional condiment making: the magic of fermentation that Japanese food cannot go without such as miso, soy sauce, mirin, vinegar and sake.


Here you will see my recipes, schedule for the online and face-to-face classes, events and more. 


If you want to be the first to know about new entries, recipes and news, then simply subscribe to my mailer at the bottom of this page.








CBBC Saturday Mash-Up's secret challenge was 'sushi making...click HERE

how to make sushi: It's a sticky business by Kate Weinberg.. click HERE

from perfect rice to maki rolls and more, Timeout tests a sushi course in Aldgate...click HERE 

Tim Lovejoy and Simon Rimmer get down to the bottom of sushi roll making with Akemi